Monday, September 15, 2014

Juice of amaranth leaves can resolve cataract

Amaranth is the most common leafy vegetables grown during the summer in India. The leaves and tender stems are rich in vitamin A, B and C.

The leaves also contain iron, calcium and potassium. It is said to protect the body from repeated colds and cough, respiratory infections, defective and weak vision, sterility and retarded growth.

The juice of amaranth leaves is effective in resolving cataract. A cataract is a loss of transparency or a clouding of the eye’s lens. This clouding is often caused by free radical damage to some of the proteins and fats in the lens, damage that causes white spots to develop.

Cataracts are a major cause of vision impairment and blindness among older adults in the United States.

By drinking a cup of juice of crushed leaves daily, the cataract in the eyes will disappear.
Juice of amaranth leaves can resolve cataract 

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